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Rules & Regulations
Woman of the Year Award

The Monte-Carlo Woman of the Year Award is a recognition to women around the world. It rewards women who have asserted themselves in everyday life and in the professional world, and who have achieved significant goals without necessarily being famous, and by exploiting their skills and their activity anonymously.

Applications come from all over the world, without any distinction of race, culture or religion.  


Sectors of choice  :

-           Environment

-           Entrepreneurial

-           Research

-           Journalism

-           Humanitarian and Social

-           Arts (painting, sculpture, design, music, fashion, interior decoration)

-           Technology  


The rule :

Applications must reach the Commission at least 90 days before the date set for the award.  You must send a file to the Award's commission via the website with a biography, motivation and a photograph of the candidate.  


The selected candidate(s) will receive the official communication by e-mail or by post, and the invitation to the award ceremony which will take place during the evening in the Principality of Monaco.  


The prize:

A work of art made exclusively for the award, and at the discretion of the Commission, a check for supporting the work/initiative of the winner(s).


Website :

The explanation of the Award, the Regulations and the possibility of accreditation for journalists can be found on this website.  


Contact :

The Commission

The Commission is composed of the President and creator of the Award, Cinzia Sgambati-Colman, two permanent members and four members appointed for one/two years. This was done to guarantee maximum openness to new horizons.  


The Commission is responsible for selecting the candidates (based on the material received) and making the final decision. The members of the Commission are required to maintain the strictest confidentiality under penalty of exclusion.


The final decision is at the discretion of the Commission which will decide according to the qualities it deems most appropriate among the candidates presented in the terms and conditions. 
The decision of the Commission is indisputable.


The Commission:

Cinzia Sgambati-Colman, Monika Assaraf,  Maria Betti,  Marietta Vinci Corsini,  Doriana Marzocco, Smadar Eisenberg, José Giannotti, Marie-Pierre Gramaglia, Caroline Jelmoni, Marzia Lefebvre,  Stephane Valeri,  Vladimir Semenikhin,  Beatrice Fresko, Elisabeth Ritter-Moati  


Monte-Carlo Woman of the Year Award

"We know that it is not always easy for women to reconcile, every day and in harmony, their private, social and professional life"

- Cinzia Sgambati - Colman

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